Martha Hellett
My approach to art is multi-disciplined as I know that I draw fresh creative energy from changing media. The freedom to work in this way allows me to be braver and to explore new ideas. The motif that has mainly featured in my work so far has been the people in my life. I have a strong interest in the interconnectedness of life - human and non- human, and so find connections and relationships to be the focus of my work.
A word that I feel describes the essence of my work is equivalence, as I think it sums up the fascination I have with finding links, whether that be between language, visual imagery or emotions. I feel that these links can provide a powerful carrier wave for the creation of empathy-provoking art aimed at social awareness and improvement. Currently I am studying Fine Art at Goldsmiths University of London where I am experimenting with lots of different artistic processes - metalwork, textiles, installation. I have a main focus on film making - with most of my projects taking the form of a video piece accompanied with a sculptural/physical piece. I am also working on a large scale painting that links more directly with my older work on the family.
I try not to over-complicate the contextual process of my work, having found the most rewarding moments come from observational, more simplistic and intuitive documentation. I find it most interesting when my work teaches me something about my inner thoughts and feelings, rather than imposing and pressuring meaning.
Currently learning how to naturally dye fabric and intend on making some creations for BEAT with this process, as well as some paintings/drawings.
Your Protector
Eternal Life (film)