Frequently ASked Questions

When is BEAT taking place this year?
The BEAT 2025 Open Studios event will take place on 6-7th September and 13-14th September 2025 inclusive. Check individual brochure entries for opening hours.

What are the fees for taking part in beat?
Every BEAT artist pays a membership fee, with the overall amount collected enabling the running of BEAT, including brochure production and event marketing.
The fee is £120 for individual artists, which comprises a £40 BEAT membership + £80 for an entry in the brochure. For group exhibitors, each group member pays the £40 BEAT membership + there is a single £80 fee for the group’s one brochure entry (if individual group members would like their own brochure entry then they will need to pay an additional £80 each for this).

How do I find out who is exhibiting?
This information will be available from the BEAT website and of course the BEAT brochure nearer to the exhibition date. The brochure will be available from a number of outlets hopefully from the beginning of July onwards. Keep an eye on the BEAT website and social media channels for more up-to-date information on where you can pick one up.

How do I register my interest in BEAT?
Simply go to the application page and complete the details.

I'm a local venue in the borough of Ealing and I'd like to offer space for artists to exhibit
If you're a local venue and you'd like to offer your venue to BEAT artists to exhibit, please contact the BEAT committee on

Do I need to live in Ealing to exhibit?
To be eligible to exhibit during BEAT you need to live, work or study in the Borough of Ealing.

what kind of art can i exhibit during beat?
All forms of art are accepted within BEAT, from painting and drawing to ceramics, mosaics, sculpture, photography…you name it! BEAT is an open exhibition so there is no curation or selection process that artists have to go through - if you’re a local artist who’d like to exhibit then you can. The only stipulation that we make is that we do not permit artists to exhibit work that has strong potential to offend, for example work that is sexually explicit. As BEAT is an open exhibition that attracts people from all cultures and age groups we ask that all work exhibited is appropriate to be viewed by all.

I'm interested in supporting BEAT, how can I do this?
Please take a look at our support page for information on how you can support BEAT.

I'd like to promote BEAT, how can I get more information?
Please get in contact on

I want to exhibit in BEAT this year, what do I need to apply for?
To exhibit in BEAT you must complete an application form before the deadline as either an individual or a group member and pay the necessary fee.  These applications include annual membership and the brochure entry fee.

What's the difference between an individual application and a group application?
The primary difference is that with an individual application you get your own entry in the BEAT brochure and your own page on the BEAT website. With a group application there is only one entry for the whole group in the BEAT brochure and one page for the group on the BEAT website, irrespective of the number of exhibiting members in the group. Group members will all be listed in the brochure index. For the purpose of BEAT, the definition of a group is "a pre-established group of artists" and does not apply to artists who happen to be exhibiting at the same venue during BEAT.

Please note, if you are sharing an exhibiting space with other BEAT artists, whether as an individual or member of a group and you want your own entry in the brochure, you have to complete the individual artist application form. This means you will have to pay the full brochure entry fee in addition to the membership fee.

Why can't I find the individual or group application forms on-line?
Application forms are removed after the application expiry date each year. This year our application window expires on 16th March 2025. If you are later than this date then you will need to wait until next year to apply for an application to exhibit in BEAT. Please contact BEAT if you have a query on

Do I need to be a member of BEAT in order to exhibit?
Yes – everyone who exhibits, whether as an individual or as a group member, must pay the appropriate membership fee.

I am a little concerned about opening my house to the public - who can I talk to?
Don't worry! Please email us your contact details and someone will be in touch to talk you through the process or put you in touch with someone who has done it before.

Once you have completed your application form online you will see an online acknowledgement of entry. This shows that we have received your application information. You also need to submit images to support your application and make your payment of the application fee. Once we have received all of these things - information, images and payment - we will email to confirm your full application is in place.

When do applications close?
Applications for BEAT 2025 are open from 1st February to 16th March. After this date we will not be able to accept any further applications for BEAT 2025.

I can't exhibit during the standard BEAT opening times, can I still take part?
Where possible, we'd like to encourage our artists to exhibit during the standard BEAT opening times (see below). But we understand this isn't always possible. If you can't exhibit during these times, please keep your opening times consistent for our visitors’ sake i.e. the same times each weekend. The standard BEAT opening times are:

  • Saturday 6th September, 11am - 6pm

  • Sunday 7th September, 11am - 6pm

  • Saturday 13th September, 11am - 6pm

  • Sunday 14th September, 11am - 6pm

If you need to select different times to these you will be able to stipulate your opening hours within the application form.

What images do I need to provide?
Please provide three images of your work. These will be used for your artist listing in the brochure and on the website and for promotional purposes on social media. The images should be JPG format, of a good quality, ideally 300dpi, with dimensions of at least 1600 px on the longest side. Maximum file size for each image is 4mb. Please ensure the images are representative of the work you're going to exhibit.

How will my images be shown in the brochure?
We will endeavour to show your images in their original form, however it may be necessary to crop them to fit within the layout of the brochure.
Please note that the images may be cropped at our discretion.

Yes, you will be expected to check all the details you have submitted in the brochure before it goes to print. You are responsible for the accuracy of all details.

I don't have an exhibiting venue confirmed yet.
You do not need a definite venue determined before you apply. You can still apply and can supply this information at a later date. But it is ultimately your responsibility to find a venue and details must be provided for your entry in the brochure before 1st May 2025.

What happens if I can’t find a venue?
We encourage artists to contact other exhibitors who might have space to share, eg via the BEAT Members Facebook page. BEAT will also publicise on this website shared venues where there may be available space, however BEAT does not organise this or act as an intermediary. It will be down to individual artists to contact these venues and make applications where appropriate. Overall, BEAT does not take responsibility to find places for any artist to exhibit, but please contact BEAT if you are experiencing problems.

How can I pay?
Ideally, payment should be made by bank transfer (BACS). If you are unable to do this please contact

Bank transfers should be made to:

Borough of Ealing Art Trail (BEAT)
Account: 41153415
Sort-code: 09-01-29

Please give your surname and initial, if possible, as reference.

Will I get a refund if I change my mind about taking part?
Refunds can be requested up to the end of April each year. But please note: all refunds will be subject to a 20% administration fee deduction and all decisions taken by the BEAT Committee with regards to refunds are final. Please see Exhibiting Terms and Conditions.

Yes, all individuals and groups will automatically have an entry on the website. A group member wishing to have their own entry on the website may pay an additional £40 and submit a request for a website entry to