Francesca Busca

As an Eco-artivist, ‘Rubbish artist’ and mosaicist, Francesca pioneers sustainable art by creating her artworks entirely out of waste.

Torn between optimism and surrender, she is haunted by the idea of mankind’s imminent self-destruction. Yet she believes in a future of resourceful innovation through re-thinking and preventing. Her work is drenched in love and hope: every tessera she creates is in itself a protest against our disposable lifestyle. In her world rubbish acquires new value, and becomes the undisputed protagonist, as fun and beautiful a Cinderella as she can master it to be. The more beautiful, the clearer the message: from waste to wonder.

Gesamtkunstwerk, her eco-artivism encompasses every aspect of her life: vegan raising vegans, using 100% renewable energy, wearing second-hand clothes, plastic free wherever possible, growing a vegetable and wildlife garden, not flying for the past 4 years, as she strives to live as sustainably as possible.

Ex-City solicitor, Francesca graduated with distinction at the London School of Mosaic in 2019, where she also lectured Fabrication in 2021/22. Internationally, she exhibited in 100+ venues, was published in 60+ articles and textbooks, and won 2 dozen+ awards.

She is the founder of Payment in Kind(ness)©, whereby she accepts eco-friendly actions as payment toward her artwork, and of ArtforTrash©, whereby she uses the clients’ own waste to create artwork for residential, institutional and corporate settings.

Francesca runs pro bono art projects on eco-awareness and sustainability. To name a few, she collaborated with Living Streets, Salon Sustainability, Fernando Montaño and the London International Gallery of Children’s Art (LIGCA).

She is currently collaborating with the Institute of Marine Sciences in Venice, culminating in the creation of a permanent installation in loco during the Venice Boat Show 2024 by using both the waste from their labs and that recovered from the sea.

Venue 58

43 Madeley Road, W5 2LS

Exhibiting times

Saturday 21st Sept — 11am to 6pm
Sunday 22nd Sept — 11am to 6pm

Credit/Debit cards notaccepted
No wheelchair access

