Charlotte Berridge

Charlotte established her local print business eight years ago. She is passionate about our unique corner of West London and capturing its rich architecture. She started by illustrating Ealing (her home) and has gradually added more areas of West London as her business has grown. She creates affordable art that celebrates where we live.

Alongside her West London illustrations she will be exhibiting her collection of abstract landscape monoprints. Each monoprint is totally unique, created by subtle changes in the pressure and movements put upon a lino roller as ink is applied directly to the paper. They have dream-like, ethereal quality that is a complete contrast to the precise illustrations she is best known for.

Charlotte has a BA(hons) degree in graphic design & illustration from Bath Spa University. Her previous career as an Art Director in publishing, saw her launch and redesign many influential UK magazines and win many industry awards.

She looks forward to welcoming you to her home, showing her work and chatting about her journey so far.

Venue 39

12 Glenfield Road, W13 9JZ

Exhibiting times

Saturday 14th Sept — 11am to 6pm
Sunday 15th Sept — 11am to 6pm
Saturday 21st Sept — 11am to 6pm
Sunday 22nd Sept — 11am to 6pm

Credit/Debit cards accepted
No wheelchair access

