Borough of Ealing Art Trail

Step 3 of  3


To complete your application please choose the appropriate payment option below. Please note, until your full payment has been received your application isn't considered complete and will not be processed.

Payment option for individual applications:

  • Single payment of £120 (by 16th March 2025) or

  • Two-part payment (23rd February and 16th March 2025) £60 + £60

If you opt for the two-part payment option please read the terms carefully.

Payment for group applications:

Please make sure your payment for the group is made in full by 16th March. This should include £80 for the group brochure entry fee plus £40 for each group member.


All payments must be made by 16th March 2025

Bank transfer

Ideally, payment should be made by bank transfer (BACS). If this is not possible please contact immediately.

Bank transfers should be made to:

Borough of Ealing Art Trail (BEAT)
Account: 41153415
Sort-code: 09-01-29

Please give your surname (and initial, if possible), as reference, so we may identify the payment is yours.


Individual application
£120 [one payment] or £60 + £60 [split payment option]

Group application
£80 + £40 per artist (including lead artist)